by bridgingthegap | Dec 10, 2021 | News
“I would like to say a few words about the “Break-in the desk” methodology and how I use it in the mentoring process. First of all, this methodology works in the best way for artists, creatives and creative organizations, which on the one hand, want to develop...
by bridgingthegap | Nov 13, 2021 | News
Mentoring Design Journey During the BiTG project, we always wondered how we could support mentors in defining an effective mentoring pathway for mentees, which also took into considering the real needs of mentees. A mentor should not only guide mentees in the...
by bridgingthegap | Oct 28, 2021 | News
During the BiTG project, we always wondered how we could support mentors in defining an effective mentoring pathway for mentees, which also took into considering the real needs of mentees. A mentor should not only guide mentees in the transformation of an idea into a...
by bridgingthegap | Sep 28, 2021 | News
How can young, talented Europeans develop their art passions? Oliwia Mańka, Foundation ARTeria Do young people have any real opportunities for improving their careers in the cultural and creative industries? They may be interested in opportunities that are offered as...
by bridgingthegap | Sep 15, 2021 | News
The project lead partner Rinova is seeking to engage an External Evaluator for the Bridging the Gap project to examine the project’s key results and impacts and to evaluate the exploitation potential of the project in supporting professional development for the...