Mentoring Design Journey

During the BiTG project, we always wondered how we could support mentors in defining an effective mentoring pathway for mentees, which also took into considering the real needs of mentees.

A mentor should not only guide mentees in the transformation of an idea into a sustainable project, but should also help mentees to improve their entrepreneurial skills during the mentoring process.

But which entrepreneurial skills need to be developed during the creation of an idea?

And which ones during the development of an effective business plan?

What skills do we need if we are to prototype our idea and bring it to market?

This is how we came up with our “Mentoring Design Journey“, which is a useful and effective tool to make mentors reflect and help them define which activities and actions to involve mentees in to help them improve their entrepreneurial skills



Final Conference in London, UK

Rinova held the final conference of the Bridging the Gap project on Friday 5 November 2021 at 3Space International House, a creative hub for entrepreneurs in Brixton, London, UK.

The event gathered several creative enterprise mentors and mentees based in London. 24 participants joined the event including our project partners and some of the mentors who piloted the Bridging the Gap tools and outputs in the UK in the last 3 years.

Our partners had the chance to introduce the project results to the audience, followed by a Creative Enterprise Skills Discovery Workshop and some networking opportunities. The conference launched a publication, “The role of the Creative Mentor: A Reflective Review” by Liz Appleby, External Evaluator, and invited participants to join a Creative Mentoring Exchange to continue the legacy of the project.


Multiplier Event in Matera, Italy

Materahub presented the results of the project and the Mentoring Design Journey at the coworking space in Matera, in the presence of youth workers and young mentors who work in coworking spaces and would like to improve the management of their services. Furthermore, some of them are planning to participate in the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme.

Multiplier Event in Spain

Our partner Promalaga will organize on 25th of November (starting at 17.30) the Event to presents in Spain the results of the Project, in the faculty of education of the University of Málaga with the collaboration of mentors and lecturers.