“I would like to say a few words about the “Break-in the desk” methodology and how I use it in the mentoring process. First of all, this methodology works in the best way for artists, creatives and creative organizations, which on the one hand, want to develop their economic activities in broadly understood cultural industries. On the other hand – it works in creative organizations that want to test and check their ideas for projects and need a tool that could enable them to use such a testing system. “Break-in the desk” methodology is very interesting and it produces specific solutions, because it begins by the visualisation of the mission and the vision. Artists or creatives have sometimes some difficulties to create and to put their concrete missions and visions into words for specific business activities based on their artistic activities. In this methodology the special development path helps to design mission and vision and the whole process of building values begins from this development path. These values become the base to create the products, which could then be offered to clients” – Wenancjusz Ochmann (senior mentor, Foundation ARTeria, Poland)

“The clock framework is a very good way to reflect on your practice and develop self-awareness of your professional profile or your of your activities of yourself as a person as well so that’s a great way for a mentor to work with mentees” – Michele de Vito, CLOCK Peer Mentor, a project co-ordinator at Rinova in London

“I would like to say that this tool – the ‘Roadmap’ which is a visual and interactive resource that provides a toolkit of communication tools, networks and resources available for supporting creative start-ups and developing innovation is a great idea! This interactive infographic of tools that mentors could use in their daily practice provides a much needed repository of the most useful information” – Dariusz Bieniek

These are a few quotes, testimonials, which you can find on User Experience Compendium developed under Bridging the Gap project. This Compendium was created to tell stories about the process of mentoring in the context of advising young people with creative and entrepreneurial potential to develop sustainable routes out of disadvantage and unemployment.It consists of online materials based upon participant experiences of the peer mentoring process and reflections on the testing of specific learning methodologies and tools. UX Compendium reflects the voices of Mentors and Mentees and it provides illustrations and examples of how the process of mentoring and informal learning takes place. We hope it will familiarise you with the learning methodologies and tools.

The User Experience Compendium is designed by project consortium (ARTeria from Poland, Materahub from Italy, Rinova from UK, Dimitra from Greece, RDA from Slovakia and Polo Digital from Spain) for all sectors of the target audience of the BtG project including trainers, mentors, professionals advising and supporting young people in the CCIs, careers advisers, enterprise support advisers, VET stakeholders in CCIs, tutors or cultural learning practitioners working in different sub-sectors of the CCIs, creative artists working in VET, but also policymakers or representatives of enterprises and creative industries.

There are 3 main section of the Compendium: frameworks, communication tools and training materials.



We hope you will find some inspirations for your mentor work here! You can find more: https://uxc.bridgingthegapeurope.com/