Bridging the Gap aims to bridge the gap that exists in VET provision for the enterprise skills that creative young people need to enter and thrive in the labour market of Europe’s fast-growing creative economy. The project will fill this gap by strengthening the occupational profile and the professional development of Creative Enterprise Mentors and seeks to make an impact in providing innovative solutions to the social, geographical and economic barriers faced by disadvantaged young people at a time of high youth unemployment, through fostering creative enterprise skills.

The project proposes that creative enterprise skills offer a valid and innovative solution for many young people facing acute challenges in entering the labour market following the consequences of the 2008 economic crash. It focuses on the professional development of the newly emerging role of the Creative Enterprise Mentor.

Planned project outcomes

An Occupational Profile and Competence Standards validating the new emerging role of a CE Mentor

A set of Learning Outcomes for professional development of the role aligned to EQF

A dynamic Network Roadmap of communication tools and resources used by CE Mentors

A Modular Curriculum providing innovative enterprise Learning Resources specifically designed for mentors, youth workers, tutors, trainers and coaches, tailored to the needs of the CCIs.

A User Experience Compendium for CE Mentors

An online Open Educational Resource making the curriculum programme and learning materials accessible

A web-enabled Guidance Handbook for the Creative Enterprise Mentor

UX Compendium
UX Compendium

The role of the Creative Mentor:

A Reflective Review

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