Results of the project
Occupational Profile and Competence Standards for the Creative Enterprise Mentor in Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)
This document is based on four months of collection of data primarily via conduction of 36 qualitative interviews in six European countries in the spring of 2019. It gives an overview of the perspectives of a range of creatives who engage in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), underlining their collective perception.
European Curriculum Framework
In this document we consolidate the results of a complex process. The Occupational Profile and competence matrix produced in IO1 has been the starting point for a journey of dialogue between
partners, practitioners and expert advisers in each of the partner countries. The resulting framework was then live-tested by Creative Enterprise Mentors from each partner country.
Network Roadmap for Creative Enterprise Transnational Communication
An ecosystem of digital tools for innovative communication and exchange of practice in supporting creative enterprise.
This tool provides a guide to some of the most effective technical communications tools most commonly used by Creative Enterprise Mentors for transnational exchange, based on in-use case studies. The tools are selected for specific functions: Communication; Project Management; Storage; Presentation; Suite tools; Resources.
Simply click on the relevant icon to access the guidance.
Curriculum Learning Module content and resources
Suite of Creative Enterprise learning materials available to be used in non-formal and informal learning settings.
The learning materials are specifically curated to adapt the provision of business support and enterprise training to be relevant and accessible to the needs and learning styles of emerging creative and creative start-ups.
These resources were developed and tested by 31 mentors and their 200+ mentees online and across 6 European countries.
User Experience Compendium for Creative Enterprise Mentors
The UX Compendium tells stories about the process of mentoring in the context of advising young people with creative and entrepreneurial potential to develop sustainable routes out of disadvantage and unemployment.
It is designed for trainers, mentors, professionals advising and supporting young people in the CCIs, careers advisers, enterprise support advisers, VET stakeholders in CCIs, tutors or cultural learning practitioners working in different sub-sectors of the CCIs, creative artists working in VET, but also policymakers or representatives of enterprises and creative industries.
Online Open Educational Resource
An Open Educational Resource (OER) making all learning materials and resources available online.
Through this learning platform, we built a collaborative environment and community of learners and Creative Enterprise Mentors.
Sign up to the platform to access the online resources and join the community.
Guidance Handbook and Trainer Pack for the Creative Enterprise Mentor
Guidance Handbook for Creative Enterprise Mentors that recognises and validates the innovation and practice and provides an accessible source of learning and guidance for transfer and dissemination.
It provides an assessment framework aligned with the European Entrecomp Entrepreneurship Competences, tailored to the needs and working styles of the creative and cultural industries.

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”